Related Links

Welcome to our related links section!  Here are some other sites that may be of interest to those who love the folk harp. More of these links will be added as time goes on.

Puget Sound Folk Harp Society
The Puget Sound area’s folk harp organization, sponsor of this newsletter, and local chapter of the International Society of Folk Harpers and Craftsmen.
Currently providing annual festival, retreat, and picnic, monthly harp circles, and more!

The International Society of Folk Harper and Craftsmen provides a focus for folk harp activities world-wide.
The new updated web site makes it easy to become a member.

Greater Seattle Chapter, American Harp Society
This Seattle area organization, more concentrated on the concert or pedal harp,
is a great source of information about Pacific Northwest harp activities.

Harp Spectrum
Harp Spectrum explores the world of the harp in all cultures and time periods.

The Harplust Directory (no longer available)
Maintained by Mike Nielson, Harplust is a list of people who sell and/or make harps and harp gear. 
It has had some recent additions and deletions and is updated at least once a month.
“Check it out when harplust strikes.  No, there  is no known cure for this disease.”

International Jazz Harp Society
This group promotes the jazz harp through information, education, networking, and scholarships.

Diane’s Gallery of Backward Harps
Your editor has a weakness for collecting images of harps-gone-wrong and offers this gallery for your amusement!

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