Harp Ads

Welcome to our harp ads section!   If you are looking for a harp or harp merchandise to buy, sell, or rent, take a look at the offerings below.  If you are in the Pacific Northwest and have a harp that needs a new home, contact us at  info@reigningharps.com for ad submission guidelines.



Lisa Danovich Wertz (Whidbey Island WA) is seeking a rental or loaner lever harp that she could use from mid-October through December while she is on Whidbey Island. Light weight, full levers, ~33 strings. Whidbey or nearby harpers, do any of you have such a harp to share? If so, contact Lisa at lisa@migrationhome.com. (new 8/24)

Lisa Danovich Wertz (Whidbey Island WA) is seeking a John Westling (Sandpiper Harps) Cithara Nova harp. She would like to find this harp by October. If you have or know of such a harp that needs a new home, please contact Lisa at lisaleigh57@yahoo.com. (new 4/24)

Trish Murphy (Lynnwood WA) is looking for a Heartland Serenity double strung harp made with carbon fiber. This will allow her to attend harp groups and therapy groups as she currently is unable to move her harp in and out of her car. If you have or know of such a harp for sale, please contact Trish at 206-355-3141 or trishmurphyart@gmail.com. (new 8/23)

Richard Silverstein (Seattle WA) would like a pedal harp for his 18 year old son who has been playing a lever harp until now. If you know of or have a good student pedal harp for a reasonable price, please contact Richard via jwhite0756@gmail.com. (new 2/23)

Judy Anderson (Olympia WA) is seeking a Dusty Strings double-strung harp. If you have or know of such a harp that needs a new home, please contact Judy at judysanderson0@yahoo.com. (new 7/22)

Mary is looking for a carbon fiber Heartland Serenity Harp or else a carbon fiber Heartland Legend Harp. If you have one to sell please contact her by email at  jilly06@yahoo.com. (revised 5/22)

Tina Larkin is seeking a Stoney End double-strung harp. If anyone has such a harp to sell, please contact her at tinalarkinmusic@live.com. (new 2/22)

Larry of Grants Pass writes: “Hello! My name is Larry Kiser, and I am seeking information about any harp makers who might be willing to donate for a disabled veteran with a lifelong dream of being a Bard. (I constructed a 22-string Clarsach style harp several years ago, however the lack of woodworking experience resulted in a harp without any tuning pegs.) I have met a lady willing to teach me here in Grants Pass where I live and wondered if you might know of anyone interested in helping me find a more suitable instrument? While the internet abounds with guitar programs for veterans, I’ve yet to find any related to harps, so any info would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.” If you have, or know of, a starter harp seeking a home in southern Oregon, please contact Larry at larrykiser17@gmail.com or at 458-229-1188. (new 6/21)

Renee Davis (Olympia WA) is looking for a Dusty Strings FH36 harp in Walnut, in good to excellent condition. If you have or know of such a harp for sale, please contact her at loghome410@gmail.com. (new 2/21)

Carol Young (Beaumont AB) is seeking a carbon fiber travel harp, ideally, a Hayden 30-string harp. She is able to travel to wherever the harp is for purchase. If you know of a harp that might be what Carol wants, contact her at d-cyoung@shaw.ca. (new 8/19)

Rayelle Hiebert (Manitoba Canada) is seeking a Salvi Hermes or Salvi Mia lever harp. It can be used, but it must be in good condition. Contact Rayelle at chashieb@gmail.com. (new 2/17)

May (Seattle WA) is seeking two harps — first, a Dusty Strings Ravenna 34-string harp; second, a pedal harp in the $10,000 range, located in WA or OR so she can see it in person. Contact May at mayumi@mayumisensei.com. (revised 3/17)

Dawna McLennan (Kootenays BC) is seeking a Heartland carbon-fiber harp, preferably an Infinity. Any carbon-fiber models 36-strings-plus will be  considered. Full levers and built-in pick-up ideal. Willing to ship the right harp! Contact Dawna at feedsoul@telus.net.. (new 7/16)

Laine Wheatley of Bellingham WA is seeking a Caswell Fairy Harp for children’s book presentation and book launch (Dec. 12th).  Other similar size and price  travel or lap harp would be considered. Please contact Laine at 360-746-8800 or aplayfullheart@yahoo.com. (new 11/14)

Ardie Kauer (East Coast USA resident, willing to ship) is seeking a Jay Witcher wire-strung harp, 26-30 strings is ideal.  Steel/Bronze wires fine, brass/silver even better. Contact Ardie at ardiekauer@yahoo.com.  (new 4/14)

Lynne is seeking a Steen Pacer 28-string lever harp, or a 26-string MacCrimmon Highland Harp. If you have or know of either for sale, please contact her at lcdavis@crocker.com. (new 6/13)

Marsha Marsh (previously of Washington State, now in North Carolina) is seeking a small electric harp ( preferably a Camac Baby Blue; will consider Lyon and Healy or other brands). Must be in good condition, with pickup on each string. She will travel to pick it up personally if you have one that is suitable. Contact Marsha at 919-225-7687  or by e-mail at heavenonharp@hotmail.com. (new 4/13)

Claire Oliver is a harp student at Portland State University who is looking for a concert grand pedal harp to rent in the Portland area, in the range of $100 per month. This would be used strictly for at-home practice. She would like a harp that is well-regulated and suited for lots of practice, and would prefer a Lyon & Healy concert grand for which she would consider a $100-150 per month range. Please contact Claire at 503-970-7975 or oliver.claire@gmail.com — email is best. (new 1/13)

Phoenix Dunn of Seattle is looking to buy a used electric harp: Camac Baby Blue, Lyon and Healy Silhouette, or independently crafted. Must have a pickup on every string. Not interested in a Harpsicle. Willing to pay any reasonable price. You can reach Phoenix at phoenixpepperwood@gmail.com. (new 12/12)

Annastezhaa Curtis is a new harpist looking for a pedal harp with a “rent to own” option. Preferably a Lyon & Healy concert grand or semi-concert grand, but willing to consider all possibilities in the $100-$150 per month range, in the Seattle to Olympia region (or even as far south as Portland). Contact Annastezhaa at acurtis91@yahoo.com. (new 3/12)


Gail Pappacostas (Blaine WA) has the following for sale, offer, or free:
– Custom made canvas cover with zipper, by Four Seasons Canvas Covers. (Used if transporting the harp on a push cart.) $200.
– Canvas drawstring base cover, used in cart transport, $50.
– Manhasset Voyager music bag with black music stand, $41.
– Set of replacement strings $75.
Clio Uber Tuner – clip on, $25.
Kong CA – 2 Chromatic tuner, $15.
Seico metronome, $35.
Music, singles and books of collections – make an offer.
Harp dust brush for tops of levers and strings – free.
Contact Gail at gailp627@gmail.com or by cell # 360-306-9902. (new 2/25)

FREE! Susi Hussong (Seattle WA) is giving away a wooden shipping crate for a pedal harp. If you are interested, contact her at harp4u@comcast.net. (new 11/24)

FREE! Judy Friesem (Bainbridge Island WA) is giving away two DVDs: ‘Introduction to Double Strung Harp’ with Laurie Riley and ‘The Reverie Harp Playing Techniques’ with Peter Robers. You pay postage. Contact Judy at jfriesem@gmail.com. (revised 5/24)

Biagio Sancetta of Coupeville (Whidbey Island) offers a Dusty Strings CD34 soft case at $150 – less than half retail – in excellent condition.  Also available: the last of his custom lap harp stands for $75. Both items for local sale only and both at quoted price or best offer. Call him at 360-720-2148 or write at bas.pnw.harper@gmail.com. (new 4/24)

Mary is selling a Blevins Lap Stick with Case – Purple Heart wood with a clear finish. She was told by Blevins Harps that it will work with any Blevins lap harp and with many other lap harps as well. Asking $35.  Please email Mary at jilly06@yahoo.com. (new 12/23)

Vanessa Myers has some harp music for sale that is in excellent condition and has never been used. The levels of difficulty range from lower intermediate to lower advanced – single pieces and also collections. Most are suitable for both lever and pedal harp. I also have plenty of free packaging materials and can ship the music via media mail, which has tracking and is a much less expensive way to ship yet only takes a few days more than First Class mail. Please contact me for the list of titles and pricing. This is a great way to get music at a discount! Contact Vanessa at harpimages@comcast.net. (new 8/23)

Allison Erikson (Yakima and Longview WA) has a harp cart for sale, asking $150. Contact Allison at ukesintrees@gmail.com. (new 6/23)

New Music from Sharon Thormahlen. Her new harp music book, “Valley of the Dragon,” is a truly magical book that tells the story of what happens when a dragon wakes up from 100 years of slumber. You don’t have to slay the dragon when a hero with a harp can save the day! You can read more about this book and order one here: https://thorharp.com/pages/votd.htm. PDFs are available now. To avoid paying shipping charges for a PDF, email Sharon (harps@thorharp.com) for a paypal invoice or you can use a credit card or send a check. The cost is $20. MP3s of the entire book are available for $5. (new 11/22)

Biagio Sancetta (Whidbey Island/Coupeville) is offering two Dusty Strings soft harp cases at half retail: CD26 for $125 and a CD34 for $165, both with all the straps etc. Gently used, no blemishes. He also has available a folding lap harp stand in sapele  for $100. Call or email him at 360-720-2148 or at bas.pnw.harper@gmail.com if interested (local pickup). (new 5/22)

Monica Schley is interested in acquiring an old Lyon & Healy wooden harp trunk for travel. Please contact her at 206-720-6486 or harppoet@gmail.com. (new 4/22)

(Not harps, but they are plucked strings!) Diana Beaumont is helping some jewelry, two little banjo pins, find a home, free of cost, either together or separate. One is about an inch and a half in length and the other is about two inches. Free to the first request(s)…just say whether you want which one or both! Call, email or text Diana at mdbeaumont@me.com or 425-239-7869. (new 4/22)

Judy Friesem (Bainbridge Island WA) is selling a Harpsicle adjustable floor harp stand. Perfect condition. $150 new, selling for $100 plus shipping. See the harp stand online: https://harpsicleharps.com/harp-accessories/adjustable-stand . Contact Judy at jfriesem@gmail.com.  (new 12/21)

Lynda Friedel (Seabeck WA)  has back issues of the Folk Harp Journal and the Harp Therapy Journal that she would like to pass along to someone who is really interested in them. No fee for the journals but pay shipping cost if necessary. To discuss, contact Lynda at lyndafriedel@gmail.com  or  360-621-0746. (7/21)

Susan Toman (Canada) writes to say of her new book of harp arrangements, “Dance upon the Strings is a unique concept, giving the option for just RH, 2 Hands, or 2 Harp parts (one solo, one accompaniment). Each tune is first presented very simply, followed by a 2nd time through with easy Irish ornamentation. I also provide a recording of both the solo and accompaniment parts, so people can play along with the recording (acting as a pseudo duet partner.) I feel this is particularly timely, given the isolation of Covid 19 this year. It can also be a resource for duet partners or harp circles. You can find it listed on my website here: http://www.susantoman.com/store/c1/Featured_Products.html.”  (new 6/20)

Vanessa Myers writes: “My lever harp arrangement of “Classical Gas”, the quintessential solo guitar hit from the 1960’s by Mason Williams, is available for sale! To my knowledge, this is the only harp arrangement for this tune that has been published. This arrangement is  intermediate-level, lever changes were kept to a minimum, and the left hand was designed to emulate an acoustic bass. It is suitable for both amateurs and professionals alike and is easily adaptable to pedal harp. The music comprises four pages and includes a glossary of musical terms. Click this link http://harpimages.com/News.html and then click on the highlighted word “here” in the first paragraph for an excerpt of the sheet music. The cost is $12 plus shipping for a hard copy, or $12 for a digital copy (.pdf). Payment options are personal check from a US bank or PayPal (worldwide, excluding Australia). Please email me at HarpImages@comcast.net to purchase yours today!”  [Editor’s note: this arrangement has been getting great reviews on the internet Harplist!]  (revised 6/19)

Laurie Riley (Port Townsend WA) has just unveiled a new playing stand for small harps which is secure, ergonomic, and beautiful! It enhances the look of your harp, folds flat for transport, and is easy to use. For details and photos, see www.laurierileymusic.com/the-best-playing-stand-for-small-harps.  (new 9/18)

Betsy Kraft (Aurora OR) is selling a purple Colorado Case airplane rigid travel case with fiberglass reinforcement, custom made for a Blevins Melody 26-string lever harp in 2014. Used for one round-trip flight. Selling for $400. Betsy says “Measurements are complicated, so contact me to arrange a video call and we can determine if your harp will fit inside. I can meet and deliver between the greater Seattle and Portland areas.” Contact her at  betsykraft@yahoo.com. (new 1/18)

Rena Hopson (Moses Lake WA) is selling a Dusty Strings FH36 style travel case, older but in good condition. New cases are ~$450; she will sell this one for $225 (plus shipping if needed). Contact Rena at harptune@yahoo.com. (new 5/17)


Marian Sussman (Seattle WA) has a variety of rental lever harps available from Dusty Strings and Lyon & Healy. 26 to 36 strings. Monthly rental cost from $35 to $75 plus tax. Contact Marian at harpnote@gmail.com or at 206-290-8192, call or text. Feel free to come try them out. (new 10/24)

Marian Sussman (Seattle WA) has a Lyon & Healy model 15 pedal harp for rent. 46 strings. $150 plus tax. Comes with a padded cover.  Please contact Marian at harpnote@gmail.com or at 206-290-8192, call or text. (new 10/24)

Dusty Strings (Seattle WA) has a fleet of harps available for rent within the Puget Sound area. The following models are included in the rental fleet: 26-string Ravennas and Allegros, both partially and fully levered; 34-string Ravennas and Boulevard Classics (all fully levered); and FH36B and S models (all fully levered). Availability may vary. Rental prices range from $40-80 per month (plus tax) depending on size/model, and rentals also require a refundable damage deposit ranging from $75-200. For more information about the terms of rental and pricing, visit https://store.dustystrings.com/t-1-rentals.aspx. Call 206-634-1662 to inquire about availability, or if you have any other questions. (new 10/23)

Susan McLain (West Seattle) is renting a Triplett Celtic 34 Stave Back with full levers and case. New strings and regulation, in excellent condition! This is a loud harp with a lovely sound. $45 per month. Rent to own a possibility. You will not need a pick-up with this harp! Contact Susan at 206-354-1059 or greensleevesharp@aol.com. (new 9/21)

Karen Jackson (BC) has a walnut Dusty Strings FH36B square-back harp for rent to someone living only in the Coquitlam, Burnaby, New Westminster or Vancouver areas of British Columbia. Although this harp has seen years of gigging, it is in absolutely beautiful condition, with a warm, full, resonant voice, excellent sustain and projection, and even string tension. Included is a padded carrying case, tuner, stool, extra string set; also much music available to borrow. Karen would like the harp to be played by a responsible person while she recovers from tendinitis. Rental fee is negotiable. Please contact Karen at kareneileenjackson@gmail.com or 604-931-2944. (new 1/14)

Jennifer Pratt-Walter (Vancouver WA) has an older 34-string Triplett harp for rent in the Vancouver/Portland area. Contact her at 360-693-4715, or at Lyrica@comcast.net. (new 4/08)

Sellers, Beware of  On-line Scammers!
Latest Harp Scam Attempts by “Kelly Smith”.

You may be contacted by such scammers… unfortunately, this happens with almost any expensive item advertised on-line. These scams have become more sophisticated, and some sound authentic (at first).  Be suspicious of  ANY offer that calls your harp an “item”, involves a “shipper” or “agent”, pressures you to quickly accept a money order or cashier’s check, or asks you to return “change” from a large overpayment. The money order or check turns out to be bogus, and you lose the “change” and perhaps your harp as well!


Gail Pappacostas (Blaine WA) is selling a Dusty Strings 36 Hybrid harp (36 strings and levers) made of Bubinga wood. Purchased new November 2010 from Dusty Strings retail store in Seattle. Present condition is excellent. Harp was regulated August 2016. Tone is varied, rich and mellow in lower octaves and a clear bell-like tone in upper octaves. Included with the harp is the canvas, zippered carrying case and a Bubinga tuning wrench. Asking price: $4600. Contact Gail at gailp627@gmail.com or at cell# 360-306-9902. (Gail also has some goodies available in Harp-Related Merchandise, above!) (new 2/25)

Zite Hutton (Bellingham WA) is selling a beautiful custom-built Triplett “Zephyr” travel harp  (2022, Triplett serial #5122) with a lovely tone.  It has 22 strings and a full set of Camac levers. The body is bubinga wood. The soundboard is maple, laser-etched with roses.  Comes with a bubinga Triplett lap bar, a bubinga Triplett tuning key, and extra strings.  It also has the Triplett thickly-padded soft case in purple, with handles and backpack straps. New cost was $2,100. Asking $1,750. If you are interested, please contact Zite Hutton at webhutt@gmail.com. (new 2/25)

Cynthia Kuni (Snoqualmie WA) has a pedal harp for sale: Lyon & Healy 85CG (concert grand), high gloss mahogany, serial #11311, made in 1990, $17K OBO. Some scratches from a previous owner. Strings new in May 2024. Cynthia says “I have owned this less than a year; I bought it to carry me through a long stretch when my L&H 23 was in Chicago being repaired.” The sound is warm, full, classic L&H tone. Comes with canvas cover. Text or email for pictures: 206-909-5844, crkuni@hotmail.com. (new 2/25)

Dusty Strings (Seattle WA) has the following used and consignment harps in stock. Call 206-634-1662 or visit the store (3406 Fremont Ave. N, Seattle) for more information.
Dusty Strings FH36B Walnut (cherry soundboard veneer), built in 1993, full Loveland levers, tapered tuning pins, freshly repaired, restrung, regulated and eyelets upgraded, includes case and tuning wrench, $3795.00.
Dusty Strings FH36S Maple, built in 2001, full Loveland levers, threaded tuning pins, freshly restrung, regulated and eyelets upgraded, Dusty Strings pickup installed,
includes case and tuning wrench, $4795.00.
Dusty Strings Crescendo 34, built in 2018, full Loveland levers, sapele body/neck with birch laminate soundboard, includes case, stand and tuning wrench, $2595.00.
Dusty Strings FH26 Maple: We have three used/consignment FH26 Maple harps right now! Build dates range from 1990-1997, all are in very good condition and include case, tuning wrench and legs (the oldest one also includes some books). $2195.00 each.
Dusty Strings Allegro 26 Partial, built in 2003, C/F Loveland levers, solid mahogany body/neck, birch laminate soundboard, good playing condition with cosmetic wear, includes case & tuning wrench, $1195.00.
Dusty Strings Allegro 26 Partial, built in 2005, C/F Loveland levers, solid mahogany body/neck, birch laminate soundboard, freshly repaired, restrung, regulated and eyelets upgraded, good playing condition with cosmetic wear, includes tuning wrench (no case), $1095.00.
Argent Fox Lady Gwendolyn Double-Strung 26 (two rows of 26 strings each, so actually 52 strings!) lap harp, circa 1990s. Solid wood neck and soundbox, laminate soundboard, silver fox emblem. G, F and B levers (yes, you read that right…no C levers!). Includes padded case. $650.00. (new 2/25)

Alison Vardy (Nanaimo BC) has a wide variety of quality used harps available for sale. All can be viewed on her West Coast Harps website, each with a gallery of photos, full description and prices (in CAD$). Included are
2 Lyon & Healy Troubadours (a 33 string and 36 string),
– a Dusty Strings Crescendo,
– a 33-string Bresch,
all with full levers. Coming soon are a 36-string Jamie Newsom lever harp with Camac levers, and a Dusty Strings Ravenna 34 with stand & full levers.
These harps can be visited and played in the West Coast Harps studio in Nanaimo on Vancouver Island. Worth a visit! (new 2/25)


Biagio Sancetta (Whidbey Island WA) is cleaning out his harp stuff and is happy to accept any reasonable offer (and some things just for free).  Items are: two 26 string harps, one wire, the other nylon.  Wire harp has the same stringing as the Ardival Rose but not narrow spaced.  Nylon is C to g, almost as tall as a Dusty 34 and has a DS CD34 case.  Other items: metal music stand and a detachable one a la Musicmakers; folding adjustable musician’s chair, spare strings, tuning wrenches and tuners, metronome, books, a few DVDs and miscellaneous items such as ball end drivers etc.  Everything has to go so if interested call him at 360-720-2148 or email at bas.pnw.harper@gmail.comNo reasonable offer refused. (new 11/24)

Seattle Harp Arts (Edmonds WA) has some lovely lever harps for sale! There are currently a Webber 36 with a stand, a Dusty FH32 in maple, and a Triplett Eclipse. There are also a Lyon & Healy harp and a new Troubadour VI. Most harps have cases and new strings! Contact Alison at alison@seattleharparts.com for more info. (new 11/24)

Susi Hussong (Seattle WA) is selling a Lyon & Healy Style 15 pedal harp, serial #8141, for $13,500. Beautiful condition, rich honey finish with gold trim.  Full warm sound and timely regulations. Played for personal enjoyment only and has remained in a special “harp room”. Photos available and a shipping box is included if desired.  Please contact Susi at harp4u@comcast.net. (new 10/24)

Shea (Snohomish County) is selling a beautiful 36 string (Gut), fully levered, Mahogany finish, Lyon & Healy Troubadour V, Serial no 8327 – Lyon & Healy 40th Anniversary edition (plaque on pillar). Great condition with a few minor blemishes. Beautiful warm sound, with great projection. Purchased used in March 2024 from Seattle Harp Arts – selling due to needing a harp with lighter string tension. Includes wooden bench, harp cover, tuning key, and 2 spare gut strings. Photos on request. Asking $3700. Please contact Shea at hastiefaces@gmail.com. (new 9/24)

Free to good home! Leslie Ambrose (Seattle WA) seeks to rehome a Minster Lovell Renaissance style lap harp, 22 strings, 3 octaves C to C. This lightweight harp was originally made 30 years ago from a kit from the Renaissance Workshop Company. This company is still in operation and you can see their harp kits at https://www.renwks.com/products/harp/harp.htm. According to the manufacturer’s website, “the pillar is steamed and bent from solid beech and the harmonic curve is cut from a matching piece. Specially selected lime is used to make up the rectangular soundbox.” Needs new strings (current strings are gut), has zither pin pegs, no levers. The tuning wrench is included. Leslie has photos to share if you are interested; contact her at leslie.ambrose79@gmail.com. (new 8/24)

Price Reduced! Leanne Page (Surrey BC) is selling a 33-string Musicmakers “Jolie” lever harp in cherry. It has nylon strings and is upgraded with beautiful gold Camac levers. This harp is remarkably portable and compact while offering a full range. It has a rich resonant sound with an enchanting aura of overtones. It is also equipped with a double transducer pick-up. Musicmakers is a well-respected harp-making company based in Stillwater, Minnesota. Custom built in the fall of 2023, this harp is basically new, and in perfect condition. Weight: 20 pounds. Size: 52″ tall (at the top of the pillar), 24″ deep, 14″ wide. Padded gig bag and tuning wrench included. Asking $5,200 CAD (approximately $3,850 USD). Photos available. If interested, please contact Leanne Page at leannecpage@outlook.com. (revised 8/24)

Carolyn McRae Collen (Vashon Island WA) is selling her lovely Stoney End “Braunwen” Celtic Style floor harp. Four octaves G to G with Loveland levers on C and F strings. Includes an 8-inch detachable floor stand. This harp has a beautiful tone! Asking $1500, case included. For more info, contact Carolyn at carolyncmcrae@gmail.com. (revised 7/24)

Angel Peterson (Portland OR) is selling a one year old 26 string fully levered Harpsicle “Fullsicle” celtic/lap harp, special edition in curly maple and exotic zebrawood. This harp has a built in pick up and amplifier with a 1/4″ jack for output so you can plug it into an amplifier and/or run it through effect pedals. It is gorgeous and sounds like a dream, barely used and comes with a stand, the lap stick, a tuning wrench, and a padded gig bag. The bass strings are wrapped in nylon for a fuller sound. It has almost one more year on its two year warranty with Harpsicle. This is a perfect beginner harp and you will not find one with this wood combination often! Asking $1600 OBO. Text or call Angel at 503-347-3455. (new 5/24)

Keegan Cogdill (Everett WA) has two harps for sale. First, a Dusty Strings FH34S. Purchased new in August 2023 from Dusty Strings for $5,500 before tax. Asking $4,500. Walnut with Maple soundboard, stave back, full Camac levers. Excellent condition. The FH34S was designed to be light and portable. Serial #22319. This is a final prototype build – no outward visual difference from production builds. Internal bracing is made from solid pieces that run the length of the harp, whereas the production build has multiple joined pieces for the bracing. Bag and ergonomic tuning key included. Second, a Dusty Strings FH26. Maple with Walnut legs (bag & tuning key included) for $1,500.
Please contact Keegan at keeganuniverse@gmail.com for pictures or more information. (new 5/24)

FREE! Mareel (Issaquah WA) has a 40 year old Salvi Renaissance harp (34 strings) which is no longer playable due to a seriously cracked string rib. Most of the levers are fine. It might be of interest for someone trying to repair/restore an older Salvi lever harp. She would like to offer the harp for the parts at no charge; it is available for pick up in the Issaquah area. Mareel says “This harp was my companion for many years and I would love for her parts to help other harps continue to sing.” You can contact her at mareel@gmail.com or 425-471-1816. (new 4/24)


Gwen (Portland OR) is selling a black Lyon & Healy Silhouette harp, all electric. Asking price is $5000. Comes with stand, strap for standing, manual, and extra strings. For pickup in the area of Portland OR. Contact Gwen at wolfenbarger@gmail.com. (new 10/23)

Terra Lea Dennis is selling a beautifully made Dusty Strings Crescendo, made in 2017, in perfect condition. It is a wonderful mid-range harp, and as the Dusty Strings site says, “is a great blend of affordability, portability and depth of sound.” The range is 4 3/4 octave, 34 strings, nylon to bass steel wrapped. Extra set of strings included. The weight is about 22 pounds; with stand, legs, and carrying case, about 30 pounds. The wood is sapele for back, neck and sides, and a Finland birch soundboard. Five inch legs are included with an innovative adjustable base. The sound is mellow and bright with a deep resonant bass. Tuner wrench and Dusty Strings case included. Terra Lea says “Please be in driving range of Seattle— I live 30 minutes north in the city of Everett, I can meet you if you need to drive from further away, please call to set up a video call where I can play the harp, if that will help. The cost of this harp at Dusty Strings (with options, taxes) would be more than 4,200, I can part with her (with case, legs, tuner, strings) for 4,000. Serious inquiries only, thank you!” Photos available. Contact Terra Lea at 425-492-0048 or terralea.denn@gmail.com. (new 10/23)

Erica Holcomb (Vancouver WA) is selling a Camac Baby Blue 30 electric harp. Purchased in Europe in 2011, this harp has an ebony finish and 30 strings (low F to high E) with full Camac levers. Serial number J7897, it is 43″ high, 22″ deep, and weighs 18.6 pounds. Comes with soft shell black travel bag, tuning key, legs/brackets, adjustable metal tripod stand, battery powered practice amp and audio cables. Excellent condition, no damage except a very small chip in the finish at the top of the crown, and has been kept in smoke free, climate controlled conditions. This harp has a pickup that works great. It’s audible, but very quiet, without amplification (okay for practicing), but it’s fully electric, so is best used with an amp (for performance/playing with other instruments), or any audio interface (for recording). Erica is asking $6500 and is open to offers; pickup is preferable, but she could arrange delivery anywhere in the Pacific Northwest (or even California). Contact Erica at 3ricaholcomb@gmail.com, or text/call 269-599-9573 or
812-841-1783. (new 8/23)

Sally (Woodinville WA) is offering two Dusty Strings harps either separately or together (because they match!).  Dusty Strings FH-36S and FH-26, both are walnut with cherry soundboards, fully levered (Lovelands) and have threaded tuning pins.  Prices include an extra set of strings, tuning wrenches, and heavy duty maroon Dusty Strings cases.  Both are in excellent condition and she has been the only owner.  2004 FH-36: $5400.  2008 FH-26: $2400.  Sally will discuss possible discount for purchase ofboth harps by one buyer! Harps can be seen in Woodinville.  Questions or requesting photos? Contact Sally at  sallyvee@yahoo.com.  Cash and local only. (revised 8/23)

Allison Erikson (Yakima and Longview WA) has a Campbell Historical Northern European bray harp (32 strings) with a case and stand for sale. She is asking $2500 and prefers not to ship but will drive to meet a buyer part way. Photos available upon request. Contact Allison at ukesintrees@gmail.com. (new 6/23)

Looking for a concert level 36 string lever harp at a great price? Biagio Sancetta (Whidbey Island WA) has one available for sale. Details: square back, full Truitt levers, cherry frame, spruce soundboard with bird’s eye maple veneer, medium high tension, $3500, firm price. Biagio says, “I built this in 2021 using a Musicmakers Cheyenne frame and customized it by replacing the standard birch laminate sound board with the veneered spruce one and using custom strings similar to those on the Dusty 36. This harp has a huge voice that will easily fill a concert hall.” It is 65″ tall, 29″ deep and 18″ wide at the bass end, and weighs 28 lbs. Decorated with several semi-precious gemstones. Local pickup ONLY (please no inquiries about shipping). Spare strings and tuning wrench included. You may reach Biagio via email at bas.pnw.harper@gmail.com or call him at 360-720-2148. (new 6/23)

Sasha Medlen (Olympia WA) is selling a Mountain Glen Hill Medium 36-string harp, #29150 – 2/20/91, with full levers and more than 3 dozen extra strings. Comes with case. Asking price $3995. Contact Sasha for photos and more information at sashamedlen@hotmail.com. (new 2/23)

Eden Kizer (Vancouver WA) is selling her Salvi Daphne 47 SE pedal harp which is only five years old. It was built in 2018 and came from the Salvi showroom in Los Angeles. This harp has a warm full voice but is not quite as tall as a full grand, being only 69 inches at the highest. Photos and sound samples are available upon request. Would prefer not to ship but am willing if buyer pays the cost. The harp has 47 strings, no structural damage, and has been kept in a climate-controlled smoke-free environment. It has been kept in tune and played when possible. Asking $13,000; new they are $16,500. Contact Eden at 360-957-6561 or email edenkizer0718@gmail.com. (new 1/23)

William Gilman (Tumwater WA) must sell his late wife’s two Dusty Strings harps: The first is an FH36H harp in bubinga, 36 strings, 5 full octaves, with full Loveland levers. Comfortable hybrid staveback design. Has a pickup. Deluxe case included. Asking $6500. The second is a Ravenna 26 harp with black finish, 26 strings, 3 and 5/8ths octaves, with full Loveland levers. Laminated birch soundbox. Comfortable staveback design. Deluxe case included. Asking $2500. Please contact William at 360-943-1461 or wdgilman@gmail.com. (new 1/23)


Cindy Schaufenbuel (Portland OR) is offering a Dusty Strings Crescendo (34 strings) for sale. Built in 2012, the harp is in very good condition and has full Loveland levers. Included is a case in excellent condition, and extra strings. Although Cindy lives in Portland, she travels to Seattle frequently and can deliver or meet up anywhere along the I-5 corridor between the two cities. Asking $2800. Contact for photos and more information: harponyou@yahoo.com. (new 12/22)

Agnes Daout (Seattle WA) is selling a Dusty Strings Ravenna 26-string harp, fully levered with Loveland levers. Comes with the case, legs, and drop down stand. Asking price $1200. Contact Agnes for more information at agnes.daout@gmail.com. (new 11/22)

Alison Vardy (Cedar BC) sells new and used harps from her studio on Vancouver Island and also ships across Canada. American customers are welcome to purchase, but have to travel as she normally does not ship to the US unless it combines with her trips to Dusty Strings to pick up harps. All details of these harps with photos and CAD & USD prices are on the West Coast Harps website: https://www.westcoastharps.com/used-harps–accessories.html. (new 11/22)

Sandy Hannes (Ballard area of Seattle WA) is selling her 1995 Dusty Strings Allegro 26 string harp with Loveland sharping levers on all strings. Includes soft case, detachable legs, tuning key, and electronic tuner. Recently restrung and regulated. Sandy will provide photos by email. Local pick up in Seattle. Asking $1400. Email or call Sandy at sjhannes@yahoo.com or call 206-291-4259.  (revised 10/22)

Jack is assisting in the sale of a harp from a friend’s estate. It is a Lyon & Healy Troubador III Model, #6433, in nearly new condition. Asking just $1200. The harp is located in Edmonds WA. Contact Jack at 206-972-0738. (new 9/22)

Ingrid Gabriel is selling a brand new walnut Triplett Zephyr travel harp, fully levered. Purchased from Dusty Strings in March 2022. Gorgeous instrument, but she belatedly realized that a double strung would better suit her needs. Paid $1600, will sell for $1400. Harp is located in Friday Harbor WA, but Ingrid can meet a buyer in Anacortes. Backpacking bag included. Email Ingrid at ingalarose@hotmail.com for photos. (new 4/22)

Susan Pendleton (Blaine WA) is selling a Lyon and Healy Troubadour V harp, serial number #8724. This harp has an Ebony finish and is in excellent condition. She is asking $3700. Please contact Susan at pendletonsusanle@gmail.com for more info. (new 3/22)


Patricia O’Scannell (southern OR) is selling her Woodsong Celtic Harp, built in 1988 by Dick and Sally Anderson of Woodsong Music. The harp has 27 strings ranging from G to E, with 11 levers on Cs, Fs, and Gs. It is made of maple and cherry with a spruce soundboard, and stands 45 inches tall. The harp comes with a soft case and a tuner, and is in very good condition. She is asking $1980 or best offer. Please contact Patricia at pato@opendoor.com for more information or a photo of the harp. (new 10/21)

 Gary (Vancouver Island BC) is offering the following three harps, now on consignment at Alison Vardy’s West Coast Harps. All details plus photos and prices are on her website on the Used Harps and Accessories page, https://www.westcoastharps.com/used-harps–accessories.html.

Solid Body MIDI Harp. Electronic MIDI harp kit, from the 1980’s. It is basically just the body and some extra parts. No strings, hardware, or electronics. Looking for someone who wants to restore it, have a nice conversation piece, use it as a sculpture, or re-use it for their own creative work. Pictures can be seen at :
https://app.box.com/s/2d6zehbkanro06oeps4g8zx4d0sk8r6v  (revised 10/21)

Unique Inca Harp from Ecuador. Rare Ecuadorian Harp with a colorful Inca face and head dress. Purchased from Atahualpa Poalasin, legendary harpist from Ecuador. This was the last handcrafted harp made by the harpmaker from the Andes Mountains. 36 strings and Loveland sharping levers on every string. This harp has a beautiful resonant tone. Needs minor work (mainly broken strings). Pictures can be seen at :
https://app.box.com/s/nurzdzt9z7vxsidrubxqmms1undgo8uq   (revised 10/21)

Rydecki 36-String Celtic Harp. Made from Brazilian Yellow Heart, a vivid yellow wood, with Sitka spruce soundboard. 36 strings with full set of Robinson brass sharping levers. Beautiful tone. Pictures can be seen at:
https://app.box.com/s/8fibzpflxja6oqa9inrq4vdtgdzf2q35  (revised 10/21)

Susan (Issaquah WA) has a Dusty Strings Allegro harp for sale. 26 strings, levers on C and F strings. Susan says “I purchased it used, but I believe the soundboard is birch and the neck, body and pillar are sapele. The 26 strings cover 3 and 1/2 octaves. It has been fully refurbished by Dusty Strings and has all new strings. I’m not sure of the age, but it’s a lovely little harp. It includes the tuning wrench, screw on legs (4), and soft case. $1000 for all. I’m selling because I’ve moved up to a Ravenna 34 and can’t keep two harps.” Please contact Susan at s-smith@earthlink.net if interested. (new 8/21)

Francine Gumina (Gig Harbor WA) is selling her Camac Celtic Isolde 38-string harp in ebony finish. Harp is in great condition with minor wear.  The harp is currently on consignment at Enchanted Harp (11902 Reservoir Rd E, Puyallup WA 98374, 253-770-0550). (revised 4/21)

Rachel Buchman (Gig Harbor WA) is selling a fully-levered 34-string Dusty Strings Boulevard Classic harp.  This harp features pedal harp tension strings, giving it excellent resonance and making it ideal for harpists of all abilities. Visit this link to listen to a sound clip of it being played. It comes with a case, a tuning key, a few extra strings, and an 8″ stand to raise it up for adult harpists. The harp is in perfect condition with the one exception of a recently replaced string having a buzz if plucked forcefully.  Rachel is also willing to include some lever harp music that sounds great on this harp.  You can visit this link to see pictures of the harp.  Price is $3,000.  Contact Rachel Buchman at rachelb85@gmail.com for more information. (new 1/21)


Price Reduced! Giovanna Rosenlicht (Corvallis OR) has a Salvi Daphne 47-string pedal harp, EX version, for sale. It is a lovely concert harp but is not being used. It was made in 2003, and purchased by the current owner in 2010 from Virginia Harp Center. It has a lovely, rich sound, and mahogany finish, and is in excellent condition. Wheels are located under the front feet of the base of the harp to facilitate movement over small distances. It comes with a heavy cover, a tuning key, and a variety of extra strings. Photos on request. Asking $12,000 or best offer. Please contact Giovanna at Grosenlicht@yahoo.com or 541-829-1431. (revised 11/20)

Alexandria Fairall (Olympia WA) is selling a custom Celtic 34 Staved Triplett Harp with curly maple sounding board and internal pickup. It was made in 2012 and has been maintained with love and care. It originally cost $5,890 and she is asking $4,300.  Alexandria says “However, the price is flexible to a good home. This harp has so many beautiful memories for me but I now mostly play pedal harps and this beautiful instrument isn’t getting the attention it deserves.” Spare strings and soft case are included. Contact Alexandria at fairestalexandriaa@gmail.com. (new 9/20)

Eric Bowles (Puyallup WA) has two custom harps for sale.The first is a maple 34-string harp, his own design. String chart was professionally done, tuning key and string chart are included. The 34 strings start with C. Rectangular soundbox makes a very full, resonant sound. Soundboard is 6-ply aircraft birch, neck and pillar are 1-3/8″ maple piano pin block, soundbox is maple plywood, stool/feet are poplar. There are no levers but it is designed with room to add them. Asking $1200 ($500 more to install full levers). The second harp is similar to the first, but with some design improvements, for $2200. Willing to discuss delivery within 50 mile radius. Photos available upon request. Contact Eric at 253-268-6468. (new 8/20)

Nimala Bheemisetty (CA) is selling a cherry Dusty Strings FH36 stave back harp. Includes case, tuning key, full levers. Price is $3500, with additional charges for shipping. Please contact Nimala at 805-570-4425. (new 6/20)

Megan Juras (Dutton MT) is selling her Rick Stanley “Brian Boru” model wire-strung harp. Bought directly from Rick Stanley, harp maker of Fairfield, Iowa; it is the model pictured on his website at https://www.celticharps.com/harps.html#The_Brian_Boru. Megan’s harp has two additional green stones set in the pillar. It is made of beautifully figured oak, with 29 strings (4 octaves). The harp comes with a stand and a tuning wrench, a custom Colorado case with backpack straps, and coils of  replacement wire strings. Brand new, without stand, case, extra strings, or “jewels”, this harp costs $2900. Megan is asking $2500 for all. She has photos available. For more info, contact Megan at meganjuras@gmail.com. (new 1/20)


Teruyo Koshimiya (Seattle WA) is selling a 36-strings walnut Bostard harp (Loveland levers on C, D, F, G strings). This harp used to belong to the late harp maker, Kenny Bostard. He had kept this harp as his own. It is well aged and has a deep rich sound with no apparent dents or scratches. However, most of the strings have not been changed for years, and replacing with new strings (Markwood Heavenly Strings & Cases) is recommended. It comes with a Colorado Case Company soft case. Seven years ago, this model price was $4000 with full levers, she is asking $3800. Willing to travel most of the Seattle area for serious inquiries. Contact Teruyo at teruyokoshimiya@gmail.com. Photos can be provided upon request. (new 11/19)

Leslie Rousos (Spokane WA) is selling her beautiful Dusty Strings solid maple wood FH34 (34 strings) folk harp in excellent condition. 4-3/4 octaves, range C to G. Fully levered with Loveland levers. Weight is 25 lbs. Purchased new in January 2017 for $5300 and hardly played, one owner only. Comes with CD34 soft padded maroon case and two tuning wrenches, one with built in electronic tuner. This is a great opportunity to own an almost new Dusty Strings high quality instrument for a lot less! Leslie has photos available and is willing to travel to the Seattle area for serious inquiries. $4700 OBO. Contact Leslie at 253-381-6892. (new 10/19)

George Denniston of Marrowstone Island (near Port Townsend) is offering for sale a Dusty Strings FH26, walnut, with full levers. Serial # 5121, built in 2000, still in like-new condition. $2,000 includes case, strings, Sylvia Woods’ “Teach Yourself” book, and tuning wrench. Contact George by email at geocdenn@gmail.com. (new 9/19)

Mary Lee Voort (Lethbridge, AB, Canada) is selling her 2006 Dusty Strings FH36S harp. She writes “If you are looking for your ‘forever’ harp, you will fall in love with this stunning instrument. In immaculate condition, this custom-ordered bubinga harp has a curly maple soundboard with abalone inlay, Loveland sharping levers (36 strings, 5 octaves from C to C), Dusty Strings pickup, deluxe padded case, ergonomic tuning wrench, and a complete extra set of strings. The rich, yet sparkling, sound that Dusty Strings is famous for makes this harp an absolute joy to play. Perfect for the musician for whom sound quality and portability are important, this professional-level harp with all the extras would cost over $8000 USD new (almost $11,000 CDN); it is being offered at $6500 US/$8800 CDN, although reasonable offers would be considered.” Please contact Mary Lee at luvs2run@telus.net or 403-381-3461. She could travel to Creston/Nelson/Castlegar BC (north of Sandpoint ID and Spokane WA, respectively) to meet a buyer. Pictures are available, or see https://manufacturing.dustystrings.com/harps/browse-models/fh36s with options. (new 5/19)

Caroline Rowe (Everett WA) is selling a beautiful 34-string Camac “Korrigan” Lever Harp. All new strings 3 years ago; ordered directly from Camac. Built in 1998, cherry wood finish. Perfect for beginner to experienced harp player. Great sound and great condition. A few little bumps from being transported over the last 20 years, but nothing major, just normal wear. Well taken care of.  ready to play for many more years to come. Carolyn says “I just bought a slightly bigger harp from Camac and husband says I can’t have 2… so now I’m selling this lovely one”. Asking $2200. Pictures available at https://imgur.com/gallery/sV2aotb. Contact Caroline at carolinerowe@gmail.com.  (new 1/19)


Mary Cyrus (Portland OR) is selling her John Yule Concert Model Harp. This harp has 34 gut strings and full Loveland levers. It comes with a soft case, tuning wrench, some extra strings, and a Sylvia Woods book. Asking $2550. Please contact Mary by  e-mail at 13MaryC.13@gmail.com, or by text at 503-560-9576. (new 6/18)

Patricia O’Donovan (Bellingham WA) , has four harps for sale. One is a Harps of Lorien “Raphael” harp, made by Raphael Weissman before his retirement, in beautiful shape, with a sweet, resonant sound, $1000. She also has a Magical Strings wire strung small Oladion, in very good shape. $400. Also a full sized Paraguayan Harp in good shape, beautiful sound, $1000. And a handmade Kora, made by Mandinka Harps, in excellent shape, beautifully crafted, available for $1000. For photos or more info, contact Patricia at 360-223-5643 or paodonovan@yahoo.com. (new 5/18)

Cate Montana (Olympia WA) is selling a Goodwin 39-String lever harp w/extended sound-board. Cate says “The incredible sound of this unique harp is only matched by the beauty and durability of its sacred-geometry-based construction by Seattle area harpist/engineer Rob Charles Goodwin. The neck is maple laminations, the column is solid maple, the soundboard is aircraft birch, the body is hard maple/birch laminations, with Camac levers — all in perfect condition. The harp is 65″ tall, the action is strong, sensitive and even, the highs, lows, mid-range are resonant, clear, and sweet and it holds tune like no harp I’ve ever had.” Comes with padded case and key. Just regulated. To see and HEAR go to: https://www.facebook.com/Montanacate/videos/2567951586563564/. $4000. Call Cate at 360-791-9885. (revised 5/18)


Kaeley Stephens (Portland OR) is selling her beautiful handmade Tara Harp, 36 strings, cherry with birch soundboard. All new strings. Full set of levers. No case, due for regulation. $1,200. Contact Kaeley for photos or more info at cohokaeley@comcast.net. (new 10/17)

May (Seattle WA) has decided to sell her Dusty Strings 26-string Allegro harp. Levers on C and F strings. Played regularly and in great condition. Includes soft case. Asking $1050. E-mail May at mayumi@mayumisensei.com for questions and pictures. (new 3/17)

Linda Hernandez (Mill Creek WA) is selling a Venus Classic Grand Concert Harp. Cascading hand-carved roses adorn the column of this 47 string pedal harp with extended soundboard, built in 2004. Range: 47 strings from low C to high G. Dimensions: 74-3/4″ high with 22.5″ wide soundboard. Original owner with papers; very well maintained and cared for. This harp is one of a kind in that the soundboard is signed on the inside by: Walt Krasicki Jr., President/Owner of Venus Harps; Nicky Krasicki; Valerie Mussolini; John Carrington; Heidi Lehwalder; Alfredo Rolando Ortiz; Susi Hussong; Josh Layne; Peter Wiley, plus Johnny Depp (with photo). This harp comes with many extras, including: soft case, hard case, harp dolly, tuning key, extra strings and felts, built in pre-amp, music books. Formally played professionally by Sara Reyna in concerts, operas, weddings, and other events. Regulated yearly by Peter Wiley. The sound is rich, deep, beautiful, and full. Photos upon request. Now asking $23,800 or best offer, depending on number of harp “extras” desired. Can accept any credit card. Serious inquirers please contact Linda at hrhlinda@yahoo.com. (Linda is also selling a Buck 18C-D111 bodhran with case, beaters, and tutor CD for $150.00; bought new at Dusty Strings for about $450 but never used; photos available.) (revised 1/17)


Ayn-Marie Hailicka (southern OR, can deliver/meet in Portland) is selling a Dusty String Allegro 26-string harp with levers on F and C strings, serial 3160, newly strung. (For example of harp type see http://manufacturing.dustystrings.com/harps/models/allegro-26/). This harp includes the 12″ legs, tuning wrench, and carrying case. Has a few nicks in the wood from light use over 15 years, but otherwise in beautiful condition. Originally purchased from Cripple Creek Music in Ashland OR. These harps are currently selling for $1655 without case; asking $1155. Pictures available. Contact Ayn-Marie at 541-630-0339 or hailayn@gmail.com. (new 10/16)

Diane McLean (Allyn/Belfair WA) is selling her Lyon & Healy 47-string Chicago Concert Grand Extended Harp. The harp was purchased new in Aug. 2010, but only played for a few months due to orthopedic surgeries. The harp has a mahogany finish, and extended Sitka Spruce soundboard decorated with a beautiful climbing vine. The body is hard maple and the mechanism features solid brass action plates. The harp is well maintained and has a beautiful voice. It also comes with a soft cover and nearly a full set of strings. Asking $16,000. Contact Diane at 360-275-2476. (new 8/16)

Anna Carr (Delta BC) is selling a Lyon and Healy 47 string Concert Grand Pedal Harp. Built in 1965, this harp has been well maintained and is in good playing condition. The harp is a natural maple finish with a scalloped column. It comes with a soft cover. An excellent harp for a student looking to gain confidence as the sound is beautiful! Asking $12,000 CAD or $9,300 USD. Please contact Anna at annamarie_carr@hotmail.com or 604-421-3951. (new 7/16)

Janean Strong (BC) is a former Portland OR resident who is selling a lovely Triplett Signature 36 Harp.  She is having a Triplett Eclipse made for her and would like to deliver the Signature to a new home between BC and Portland when she goes to pick up her new harp. The Signature is beautiful in looks and sound, made of gorgeous cherry wood with abalone inlay and a staved-back body. Range C2 – C7 ( 36 strings), 27 pounds, 57 inches tall, full Loveland levers, with a spruce soundboard with cherry overlay. In near perfect condition, very few small scratches. Built in 2004, one owner, rarely transported and well cared for. Comes with padded case, wheels, and carved tuning key. In 2015, LED lighting with a battery pack and on/off switch were professionally installed, along with all new strings and newly regulated. If purchased today, this harp would cost over $6000 USD. Asking $4800 USD.  For more info or pictures, contact Janean at 250-226-7179 or janeansh@gmail.com. (new 3/16)

Maria Cruz (Florence  OR) is selling her red Harpsicle harp. It is in excellent condition. The harp has 26 strings without sharping levers. At under 6 lbs it is perfect for travel with a bright sound. Included: tuning wrench; knee brace; black padded Harpsicle carry bag; strap with music note pattern and leather ends; 2 books (Easy Songs for the Harpsicle Harp and Easy Classics for the Harpsicle Harp); custom travel box. Total cost was $700 – asking price for entire package is $500. Please contact Maria at serenityservices3@gmail.com or 541-999-9139. (new 3/16)

Gwyneth Evans (Victoria BC) is selling a charming antique Clark harp. Excellent condition, with original Celtic designs on soundboard, and original stand. Fully playable. 31 strings. Asking $2200 US. Photos and further information on request. Contact Gwyneth at 778-265-2537 or gwyneth.harpist@gmail.com. (new 2/16)

Phillip Mooney (Olympia WA area) is selling his beautiful Salvi Egan 38-string lever harp. This harp is in excellent condition, has pickups installed for ease of amplification, and comes with many accessories (tuning wrench, lever regulation kit, extra strings worth about $250, a dust cover, a heavy-duty travel case, and a harp cart). All this for $4600! You can read more about the Salvi Egan harp at http://www.salviharpsinc.com/HarpEganSalvi.htm, and you can hear this harp being played at http://www.mooneywoodsandnogle.net in the sound files for the first CD, track number 3, Suil a Ruin. Contact Phillip for more information or photos at onebutch@comcast.net. (Cash sale in person desired due to numerous scam attempts). (revised 1/16)


Andrew Bennett (Seattle WA) is selling his Sierra model nylon 30-string Triplett harp with a full set of Camac levers recently re-calibrated a few months ago. This harp has been in the family for around ten years but is still in excellent condition and should continue to provide a quality sound for many more. Included is a light cover, tuning wrench, electronic tuner, and a small stack of sheet music designed for beginner or intermediate level. Asking $1800 or best offer. Andrew will deliver to most of the Washington area and even Portland for the right buyer. For more information and pictures, please contact Andrew Bennett at abennett193@yahoo.com.  (new 8/15)

Lazarus Scarbrough (Bothell WA) is selling a Magical Strings Concert Oranmore Harp. The 36-string harp was one of fewer than 10 made, crafted in 1987 out of mahogany wood. The harp produces a very bright sound. The harp has been kept in perfect condition and includes a padded case. Asking price is $3000 or best offer. Contact Lazarus at lazaruschristian@gmail.com or at 425-773-9003. (new 5/15)

Karen Himsworth (Vancouver WA) is selling a beautiful Thormahlen Cygnet 36-string lever harp, walnut with a spruce soundboard. It is in mint condition and comes with a travel bag. It has custom wood inlay and K&K pickups for amplification, if desired. She is asking $5250 which a $1000 discount from the “new” price paid in 2011. Contact Karen at 541-410-1337 or himsworth.andrew@comcast.net. (new 3/15)

Laura Zaerr (Eugene OR) is selling a Lyon and Healy style 14 pedal harp, #3876. This harp was built in the mid-1940s, re-built by Lyon and Healy in 1973 with a new neck and board, and re-riveting. This straight board harp has 43 strings and a charming maple and bronze finish. It belonged to one harpist until a few years ago when Laura bought it from her. It has been well cared for all of its life. Comes with a thin dust cover and tuning wrench. Asking $8,500. Contact Laura at lauraz@peak.org or 541-757-8313. (new 2/15)

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